Monday, February 12, 2024

昨天晚上撞了个野猪。We hit a wild boar last night.

我昨天晚上和爸妈去了 Mines Road、State Route 130、和 Mt. Hamilton 拍夜景。我和爸一直拍到了今天早上五点。😁 昨天晚上在山里开车的时候,我爸不小心撞了野猪,我们车的 bumper 有一点点损伤。我们撞的好像是野猪的屁股,所以 bumper 上还有点野猪屎。😓 我等会儿因该去把车上的野猪屎去洗掉。。。

Last night, my parents and I went to Mines Road, State Route 130, and Mt. Hamilton for night photography. My dad and I were shooting until 5 AM. 😁 As we were driving in the mountain, my dad accidentally hit a wild boar. Our bumper took a little damage. I think we hit the boar's butt so there is a tiny bit of poop on it. 😓 I should go wash off the wild boar poop off our car later...

在我们车 bumper 上的野猪屎。
The wild boar poop on our bumper.

在我们车 bumper 上的野猪屎。
The wild boar poop on our bumper.