Thursday, February 8, 2024

我兔子的博客上找到了 Google+ 的代码!I found Google+ code on my bunny blog!

我不知道你们知不知道,我有专门给我兔子做的一个博客(你要是不知道的话,可以在这里找到。这个博客没有中文。)。我今天才发现我那个博客上还有 Google+ 的代码。Google+ 2009年就没了。我把博客上 Google+ 代码这件事忘记了!😂 我现在清理掉了。

I don't know if you know, but I have a blog for my pet rabbit (Berg). If you don't know, you can find it here. The blog is in English only. Today, I found Google+ code on the blog. Google+ was retired in 2009. I completely forgot I still had Google+ code on the blog. 😂 I cleaned it up now.