Tuesday, August 9, 2022

做梦梦见了佛。I dreamed of the Buddha.

我好久没在这个博客上写东西了。今天我想给你讲一个故事。二零二一年三月三十号,我做了个梦,我梦见了佛。那天晚上我做梦,我和妈回到中国 🇨🇳 旅游了。我们来到了一座山,山顶有座庙 ☯️。我们爬了很多楼梯才爬到了这座庙。我妈手机响了,她叫我一个人先进去拜佛,她先接个电话。我就一个人进去了。我看到了一个很大的佛像,还有很多和尚和尼姑在念经。我跪了下来开始求菩萨帮我把视力治好,帮我不要感觉这么难过了。我正在拜佛的时候,那个佛像一下子从打坐的姿势站了起来,化成了一位和尚,走了过来。我和庙里和尚和尼姑都吓了一跳,都看着现在化成和尚的菩萨,慢慢的往我跪着的地方走了过来。我站了起来,菩萨把一个手放在我的肩膀上,让后对我说,“别吃肉了,别杀生了,吃素吧。” 我吓了一跳,吓醒了。那次梦做完了,除了几次不小心吃了点荤,我一直都是吃素的了。

I haven't wrote on this blog in a long time. Today, I want to tell you a story. On 30 March 2021, I had a dream, I dreamed of the Buddha. My mom and I returned to China 🇨🇳 for travels. We arrived at a mountain, at the peak is a Buddhist monastery ☯️. We climbed a lot of stairs to reach the monastery. My mom's phone ran, and she told me to go in first to pray, she has to answer a call first. I went in myself. I saw a giant Buddha statue, and there were quite a few monks and nuns inside reading the sacred scriptures. I kneeled down and started praying, asking the Buddha to help fix my vision, and to help me not feel so horrible all the time. As I was praying, the Buddha statue which was in a meditative pose, suddenly stood up, proceeded to transform into a monk, and started walking towards me. The monks and nuns in the monastery along with me became quite shocked as we watched the now transformed "Buddha monk" slowly walk towards me. I stood up, the Buddha put one hand on my shoulder, and said to me, "Stop eating meat, stop killing animals, and become a vegetarian." I suddenly woke up from the shock. After that dream, other than a few times I accidentally ate meat, I've been a vegetarian since.